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LUMEL has been known, since 1953, all over the world, as a manufacturer of top quality industrial automation devices. In 2020, international reports listed Lumel as one of the world’s leaders in the production of electrical quantity transducers, network parameter analyzers and analog meters.

Lumel offers consists of product categories, such as:

Network parameter meters and analyzers
Electrical and non-electrical quantity transducers
Digital meters
Recorders and data loggers
Analog meters
Current transformers
All Lumel products are covered by a 3-year warranty.

Depending on the needs of the customer, the automation products and systems we offer rely on various data communication protocols (MODBUS, ETHERNET, PROFINET, BACNET or MQTT).

Apart from the products, Lumel specializes in complex systems used for:

monitoring and optimizing the cost of electricity and other utilities (water, gas, compressed air)
monitoring environmental parameters: temperature, humidity, light intensity, CO2, volatile gases
solar energy 
In addition to its manufacturing activity, Lumel offers also

OEM services in the scope of housing designing, elecctronics, mechanics, hardware and software. All under one roof.
EMS services
ODM services
Lumel is a member of an international capital group which consists of  the following companies: LUMEL S.A., LUMEL ALUCAST Sp. z o.o. Rishabh Instruments Pvt. Ltd., Sifam Tinsley US, Sifam Tinsley UK.
